Browse products by category

Select a category:

Product name Category
Product 521 Shoes
Product 524 Shoes
Product 525 Shoes
«12...18192021222324252627» Displaying 261 - 263 of 263 item(s)

Razor code

@using MvcPaging.Demo.Models
@model IPagedList<Product>
	ViewBag.Title = "Browse products by category";
@using (Html.BeginForm("ViewByCategory", "Paging", FormMethod.Get))
		Select a category:
		<input type="submit" value="Browse" />
@if (Model.Count() > 0)
	<table class="grid">
				<th>Product name</th>
			@foreach (var product in Model)
	<div class="pager">
		@Html.Pager(Model.PageSize, Model.PageNumber, Model.TotalItemCount).Options(o => o.AddRouteValue("categoryname", ViewBag.CategoryDisplayName))
		Displaying @Model.ItemStart - @Model.ItemEnd of @Model.TotalItemCount item(s)

Controller code

public ActionResult ViewByCategory(string categoryName, int? page)
	categoryName = categoryName ?? this.allCategories[0];
	int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0;

	var productsByCategory = this.allProducts.Where(p => p.Category.Equals(categoryName)).ToPagedList(currentPageIndex,
	ViewBag.CategoryName = new SelectList(this.allCategories, categoryName);
	ViewBag.CategoryDisplayName = categoryName;
	return View("ProductsByCategory", productsByCategory);